Dell CEO has forgotten how telephones work

I just read on heise online about Dell Orders All Staff Back to the Office 5 Days a Week: Read the Memo – Business Insider.

“Oh I’m curious about the reasons” I thought. And the article is really fun to read. This has the potential to be a story:

“What we’re finding is that for all the technology in the world, nothing is faster than the speed of human interaction,” [CEO] Michael Dell told staff. “A thirty-second conversation can replace an email back-and-forth that goes on for hours or even days.”

Uhm, okay. You’ve got too much email back and forth. I can SO understand that. But … has he ever heard of this … telephone thing? You can talk to remote people in real time. It’s like true magic!

And I just imagine being in the office needing some clarification for something: So I first look up where the person’s office is, I walk there, likely I won’t find that person because – well – (s)he is also clarifying things, or I just interrupt the person, have a chat and walk back. 30 seconds with an overhead of 5-10minutes.

Oh and .. let’s not even discuss WHY there are so many eMails. Can’t be lack of / unclear responsibilities, fear of taking decisions, bad processes, bad adoption of technology – nooo, never. O-M-G.