How to filter / hide / ignore News in an RSS feed

Recently I realized that there are certain topics in my news / RSS feed that I ALWAYS scroll over. I’m just not interested in them. Like news about certain brands, manufacturer or products. I wondered, if there is no easy way to simply NOT see them in my feed. I mean I filter by only looking at keywords in the title. Really super simple.

Continue reading How to filter / hide / ignore News in an RSS feed

Drupal shows warnings after migrating to new server

Recently we migrated a Drupal managed website to  a new server. – Everything was fine, just on some pages, some php-warnings showed up that did not show up on the original site.
After some investigation I checked php’s error_reporting setting and realized that the settings of the new new server were more sensitive than the old one.

The solution was pretty simple. As I definately didn’t want to start hacking around in Drupal, I just turned off showing the errors to the user:

Administer > Site configuration > Error reporting
(or in german:) Verwalten > Einstellungen > Error reporting
Error Reporting: Write errors to the log (instead: Write errors to the log and to the screen).

Pretty easy.

Bibliography Extension for MediaWiki

MediaWiki > Skins > Extension … a use case story

In mid 2009 we were asked to redesign our homepage to fit the corporate design of the LMU. During this time, I introduced and established MediaWiki as content management system for our website as it provided the needed flexibility, freedom and usability for our group.

One major issue was the list of publications which is very important for every researcher. In the old system, everyone maintained his own publication list manually. In parallel, all the publications were maintained in a central BibTex-file stored in CVS. Nice example for ‘Redundancy‘ – hey we’re a data base group – there shouldn’t be redundancies. So I wrote an extension in my spare time which parses a bibliography-file into a more convenient format. The result of such an automatically generated list can be seen for example on my publications list. – Well, finally I just put it online. Maybe you are a researcher or just maintinaing the website of some researcher(s) who already have a bib-File of their own publications and want to put your publications list online.

What this Extension can do / Features

The extension in action
The extension in action

This extension allows processing a central bibliography file in BibTeX format in order to create personalized publication pages for authors, projects or keywords. The BibTeX data can be stored in a file in the filesystem or in a special wiki article.

Implemented Features

  • The bibliography can be stored in a filesystem file or in a separate article of the wiki.
  • Multiple authors can share a single BibTeX source and have individual publication lists on their personal pages (=articles)
  • Filtering can be done on all attributes of the bibtex file/article.
  • Filters can be combined: for example, all papers of year=2010 AND author=xy AND keyword=xyz
  • Supports optional bibtex entries (“pages =100–110” may be entered in one bibtex entry but not in another – but if the entry is present, it should be formated as “p. 100-110”. If the attribute is not there, “p. ” should also not appear)
  • Different bibliography-types (article, book, inproceeding, …) use different styles according to the mandatory and optional fields.
  • @unpublished entries will be ignored
  • Supports @String-replacement as it is can be done by BibTeX
  • Automatically adds a separator between entries of different years
  • Provide additional links for each BibTeX entry (like PDFs or links to articles with further informations)
  • Author names can be linked automatically to pre defined wiki articles


Just visit my How-To page, to see what the extension can do.
You can download the extension by using the link in the download section.

Maybe you can just drop me a line if you find the extension useful.

PHP BibTex-Parser

Nachdem ich derzeit BibTex-Einträge verarbeiten muss darf, habe ich doch gleich mal die Komplexität von BibTex unterschätzt und bin dem NIH-Syndrom verfallen und wollte mal schnell selbst einen Parser schreiben. “Mal schnell” widerspricht dabei dem Drang nach Vollständigkeit – also: etwas Freizeit für die Erkenntnis geopfert, nächstes mal gleich länger zu suchen.

Nach einigen Missgriffen habe ich dann doch noch einen viel versprechenden Link gefunden: Bibliophile.

Der BibTex-Parser scheint doch vollständiger zu sein, als alles was ich bisher angesehen habe. Ist zwar seit 2006 nicht mehr aktualisiert, aber seither hat sich an BibTex (glaube ich) auch nichts Wesentliches getan.

Zum Download geht’s übrigens hier > bibtexParse > bibtexParse-2.2 >

PS: Mittlerweile gibt es die zugehörige MediaWiki Extension auch online 🙂