Parse Error: There is a problem parsing the package / Beim Parsen des Pakets ist ein Problem aufgetreten

Just finished my first (real) Android App and wanted to deploy it in my phone (not just in the emulator).
So I sent an email to myself with the .apk attached as several tutorials said that you can just open it from your mail to install the app.
On the phone, I opened my mail app K9 and opened the .apk. But instead of installing I unfortunately just got

Beim Parsen des Pakets ist ein Problem aufgetreten.
(in english) Parse Error: There is a problem parsing the package.

even though the minSdkVersion was set correctly.

The solution was rather simple: Do NOT open the .apk in K9 directly but save it to the sdcard and open it via a filemanager like Astro.

2 thoughts on “Parse Error: There is a problem parsing the package / Beim Parsen des Pakets ist ein Problem aufgetreten”

  1. Interesting, never heard of such a problem. Which mail application do you use?
    Personally, I always copy the APK to my Dropbox folder and start it from the Dropbox app on the Android device.

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