The truth about (Gen)AI

(✅ clickbait title)
Recently I attended a GenAI event organized by <big company>. All professional, interesting, insightful. Really good. (Really! I mean it! No sarcasm.)

Until it hit me like a blow during a discussion:

I DO KNOW the whole plot already!

The discussions, the argumentation, the problems, the hopes, the promises of the consulting companies. Startups that make good (ok or bad) products and raise the hopes of the rest of the industry.

We’ve seen it all before with big data and data science – EVERYTHING!

<Technology> is a game changer.
<Technology> brings x millions.
If you don't do <Technology>, you won't survive in the market.
<Technology> brings billions of €€€€.
You need a <Technology> competence center, and a <Technology> strategy!

And the problems are the same – not similar, but the same!
When I look at the LinkedIn stream, I really have Groundhog Day.

We really are chasing the Gartner hype cycle. 🙈

Am I against (Gen)AI? Quite clearly: No
But the hype, the exaggerated expectations … do we REALLY need to do this, AGAIN?
Yes, apparently that’s just how we humans / companies tick.

Well .. then: let’s go into the valley of tears as quickly as possible, burn as little money as possible there pointlessly and off to meaningful use.

It’s sad, but there doesn’t seem a way around.

AI Text Generation and Blogging: How AI-Assisted Writing Can Revolutionize Your Blogging Experience

Blogging has become a popular platform for individuals and businesses to share their ideas, opinions, and experiences with the world. However, blogging just occasionally can be a challenging task. It requires getting into the writing flow, writing cohesively throughout an article, crafting a proper introduction, and ensuring the use of correct grammar and vocabulary. For non-native English speakers, it can be even more challenging to write in a language that is not their mother tongue. The lack of proper vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure can hinder their writing ability and prevent them from expressing their thoughts effectively.

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AI Image Generation and the Future of Photography and Graphics Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been transforming various industries, and the photography and graphics industry is no exception. With the development of AI image generation tools, it is now possible to create realistic images that are indistinguishable from those captured by a camera or created by a human designer. While this technology holds immense potential for businesses in terms of cost and time efficiency, it will also bring about significant changes in the industry and its related sectors.

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